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GAS: Attack of Fuzz Pedals Vol 1

As I lurk the internet I find lots of cool looking pedals but one of my favorite types of pedals is Fuzz. I am sure this comes as no surprise since I dedicate an entire day on my instagram feed to fuzz pedals. #Fuzzfriday is one of my favorite days and I hope it is one of yours as well. This list is just a small smattering of some of the Fuzz pedals that I am currently GASing for. Since I am not original and I like top 10 lists I will present it in that format, though it must be said this list is not in any particular order. All the pedals listed are either currently in production or will be soon enough. Nothing vintage made the list. If you are not on the list don't worry I am sure I am GASing for you as well, and there is always next time! Anyway thanks for reading my word vomit!


10. Electronic Audio Experiments- Beholder

This pedal from my friend John is going into production sometime this summer. It isn't the first Reverb/Fuzz but I know his quality is top notch and it just looks crazy cool. Plus it sounds great from the small clips I have seen!

Go to his page to signup for his mailing list to stay up to date on ordering this

9. Abominable Electronics- Demon Lung

This is one I have been wanting for awhile now and only money has prevented me from adding it to my tiny collection. It takes everything awesome about the Boss FZ-2 and makes it better. With Vibrant art and a great sound, it is definitely a winner in my book. I have had many AE pedals in the past and they have never disappointed.

Here is a dirty demo I found

8. Doom in Analog effects- Silver Wizard v2

Yeah, it is a muff. What list of fuzz pedals would be complete without one? This one is really classy looking. The Knobs and toggles really draw your eyes towards it. Based off the rams head and suped up into an entirely different beasty.

This video is of the V1 with less options but I am sure that it at least gives a good idea.

7. Lonewolf Audio- Insider

Okay technically this is an Overdrive but I have been GASing for it since it was announced. This is a companion piece to the LWA Outsider, which I am in love with on my board.

6. Midnight Amplification Devices- Starburner

Okay my inner nerd is truly showing with this one. It doesn't just hit my list for looks alone though, it is a Fuzz + Filter + EXP input and the equals a lot of fun!

5. Raygun FX- Super Fuzz Boy

Nostalgia is hit hard with this one and I am sure that is what they were counting on but it also sounds killer. It is not currently for sale but I am sure that another run is coming along soon enough.

4. Dunwich - Fuzz Throne

I am a huge Conan (both the band and the stories) fan, so it should come to no surprise this hit my list. Initially based off the Cthulhu fuzz from Dunwich it quickly took a life of its own, which known to happen. It is not technically in production as the last batch just went out but if you keep your eyes open I am sure another batch will be coming soon.

3. Sola Sound- Colorsound WOW Fuzz

This is a true to form new version of the Vintage classic and makes me happy inside just to see. I have always wanted a fuzz like this, though it is not exactly cheap. You can correct me if I am wrong but I believe this is a Castledine and D*A*M Collaboration and as such you can expect the quality to be top notch in every single conceivable way.

2. D*A*M Meathead (All of them)

They have a lot of them as my friend John at The Front Room Fuzz Lounge can attest.

The current production models are the M-27 a 3 knob Variant and the M-13. I am a huge fan of single knob fuzz pedals so this is almost a collect them all situation for me. Though if you are familiar with D*A*M then you know their quality is beyond top notch.

1. Rainger Fx- Dr. freakenstein Fuzz

I only found this a few days ago but it has exploded to the top of my list for a variety of reasons. It sounds fantastic and looks amazing. It comes with an Igor pressure pad to use an exp pedal. I haven't yet seen a demo of the switch pulled into high mode but I am sure it is even more insane than it already is.

This demo sounds fantastic.

To BUY IT because you know you want to, click here.


Alright so that was a handful of killer mostly fuzz pedals floating my boat at the current moment. I hope you found something new to check out and buy for a future #FuzzFriday

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